
Much of our work for corporations, governments and peak organisations is commissioned as confidential projects and assignments.
Examples of our work that are available publicly are listed on this page.
Economic modelling and analysis
- Antimicrobial Resistance Pricing and Reimbursement Scoping Study
- Economic impact of geospatial services in Australia
- ARC Training Centre for Automated Manufacture of Advanced Composites
- Mapping and quantification of CRCs’ work on decarbonisation
- The Economic Significance of Port of Port Hedland - 2022-2023
- Mineral potential mapper: A Geoscience Australia case study
- Economic Impacts of Defence Infrastructure in the Northern Territory: 2022-23 to 2026-27
- Modelling the settlement effects of Project Energy Connect
- Economic impact of the National Positioning Infrastructure Capability program
- 2021-22 Economic contribution of the Port of Melbourne
- On our horizon: Profiling nine projects planned in the Shire of Carnarvon
- Economic and Global Impact of Home and Away 1988-2021
- Economic and Technical Modelling of the ACT Electricity Network: Strategic Report
- Economic and technical modelling of the ACT electricity network: Base case report
- A social and economic impact assessment: Ichthys LNG 2020 - 2030
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- Draft determination - Default market offer prices 2025–26 - Wholesale energy and environment cost estimates
- Transmission access reform - AEMC report
- Renewable Gas Target: Delivering lower cost decarbonisation for gas customers and the Australian economy
- Small scale technology certificate projections: 2024-2028
- EV charging insights: International literature review
- Barriers and enablers for rewarding consumers for access to flexible DER and energy use: Rapid evidence review
- Consumer costs and economic benefits for Renewable Energy Sector Board’s Plan
- Cost benefit analysis of proposed changes to the standards for energy use and thermal performance in BASIX
- A social and economic impact assessment: Ichthys LNG 2020 - 2030
- Renewable Energy Industrial Precincts
- Economic impacts of the Broken Hill A-CAES
- 2021-22 regulated electricity price review: Updating retail costs
- Consumer archetypes for a two-sided market
- Copperstring economic technical report: Assessment of electricity market and economic impacts
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- The economic contribution of the Australian gas economy in 2021-22
- Western Australia's green steel opportunity
- Impact of price caps in the East Coast gas market
- Economic and Social Contribution of Ichthys LNG in the Northern Territory
- Western Australian Gas and Downstream Opportunities Study
- Rio Tinto’s economic contribution in Australia
- Drought Resilience Research Development Extension and Adoption Stocktake
- Hydrogen to support electricity systems
- Chemical industry economic contribution analysis
- Opportunities for Australia from hydrogen exports
- West-East Pipeline pre-feasibility study
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Research and Development
- Mapping and quantification of CRCs’ work on decarbonisation
- Impact assessment of ARC-funded research
- Cooperative Research Centres Program: Impact Evaluation
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- Economic contribution of Australia’s nursery industry: FY2022 – FY2030
- One Grape and Wine Sector Plan
- Australian Organic Market Report 2023
- The economic contribution and benefits of the Northern live export cattle industry
- Economic contribution of the Western Rock Lobster industry: 2020 - 2021 Assessment
- A strategy for the Australian native seed sector
- The intersection of agriculture and regional development: A framework of case studies
- Drought Resilience Research Development Extension and Adoption Stocktake
- A Roadmap for the red meat processing sector
- Agricultural levies system review: Scoping study
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Health and ageing
- Antimicrobial Resistance Pricing and Reimbursement Scoping Study
- Private Health Facilities Regulation 2024: Regulatory Impact Statement
- Medicines, Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Regulation 2023
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- Women in STEM Evaluation
- Clean Economy Workforce Development Strategy 2023–2033
- Economic and Social Contribution of the University of Notre Dame to the City of Fremantle
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Program evaluation
- ARC Training Centre for Automated Manufacture of Advanced Composites
- Evaluation of the Bushfire Relief Fund for Wildlife Rehabilitators Project
- Cooperative Research Centres Program: Impact Evaluation
- Industry Growth Centres Initiative: Initial Impact Evaluation
- Child Information Sharing Scheme two-year review
- Review of the second National Partnership on Essential Vaccines (NPEV)
- Towards Independent Adulthood Trial evaluation
- NSW Countering Violent Extremism Program Evaluation
- Transition of the Australian car manufacturing sector: Outcomes and best practice
- Streamlining for Growth Evaluation Framework
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Government funded services
- Evaluation of the Bushfire Relief Fund for Wildlife Rehabilitators Project
- Independent evaluation of RASPJI and PING
- The Impact of the IMCRC
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- Evaluation of the Access to World Leading Astronomy Infrastructure (AWLAI) program
- Waterproofing provisions in NCC 2025: Impact analysis of proposed changes
- Economic impact of geospatial services in Australia: Preliminary findings
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- Proposed ban of a third tranche of single-use plastic items Regulatory Impact Statement
- National Construction Code 2022: Decision RIS for a proposal to increase residential building energy efficiency requirements
- National Construction Code 2022: Consultation RIS for a proposal to increase residential building energy efficiency requirements