

Principles of competition policy economics and market efficiency are easy to state; applying them to businesses can be difficult and contentious.

Many markets, especially where statutory monopolies exist, such as in energy (electricity and gas), water and transport (rail and ports), involve regulators setting prices and other terms of services. These decisions are often influenced by the strength of economic analysis. The same is true in competition matters such as mergers and acquisitions, misuse of market power, price fixing, and access to essential infrastructure. ACIL Allen has decades of experience and expertise in regulation, and we support you with whatever regulation services you need.

How ACIL Allen can help you

We can provide advice on a wide range of competition, regulatory and trade practices matters, such as mergers and acquisitions, misuse of market power, price fixing and other forms of collusion. Our client services include:

  • designing, implementing and adapting regulatory frameworks for revenue, pricing, service and consumer protection

  • designing regulatory instruments

  • modelling incentives

  • efficiency and productivity analysis

  • demand forecasting

  • advice on the cost of capital

  • analysis of regulated prices

  • developing revenue proposals and submissions to regulatory bodies such as the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, the Australian Energy Regulator and jurisdictional regulators

  • advice on regulatory compliance

  • reports, including analysis of market power

  • damages estimates

  • negotiations on court-enforceable undertakings

  • Regulatory Impact Statements (RIS) 

  • Regulatory Impact Assessments (RIA) 

  • Legislative Impact Assessment (LIA)

  • expert witness and litigation support.

Why choose ACIL Allen

We often work with clients in energy and gas, financial regulation, telecommunications, health services, social services, construction, banking and finance, and government. However, we have extensive experience in all areas of regulation.

Expert witness & litigation support

Robust economic analysis can be a decisive factor in support of competition and trade practices litigation as well as in commercial arbitration processes.