
Space & geospatial

Our consultants are leaders in the analysis of the space and geospatial sectors. We have undertaken economic assessments of the value of geospatial information systems in Australia and overseas and have contributed to the development of economic assessment approaches.

Our consultants have extensive knowledge of the emerging space industry sector in Australia and can advise on the economics of the sector and policy issues including global navigational satellite positioning, earth observations from space and satellite communication technologies.

Our geospatial consultants use spatial modelling and analysis in economic assessments to measure the impact of spatial information in world economies.

The ability to map and explore spatial links between economic, social, demographic and physical data has numerous benefits. Almost any economic problem that contains the question 'Where?' can be addressed with enlightening results through the use of Geographical Information System (GIS) based techniques.

How ACIL can help you

We have combined geospatial and GIS capabilities with our CGE model to assess the overall impact of changes in economic activity associated with industries such as agriculture, mining, and infrastructure and/or productivity in a regional economy. Typical consultancy tasks include:

  • urban and regional planning
  • natural resource management
  • emergency management
  • infrastructure planning
  • market supply and demand analysis
  • policy impact studies
  • identification of priority areas for service provision.

We have also undertaken major projects in assessing the value of geospatial information in Australia, Canada England and Wales, New Zealand and Denmark. We have advised space and geospatial bodies on market developments and industry policy.