Our people

Michael Symes


Michael has 10 years experience working in the public and private sectors on resources and energy market issues. Since joining ACIL Allen in 2018, Michael has become one of the firm’s subject matter experts in LNG and gas markets.

About Michael

Michael’s involvement in recent projects includes:

  • Gas market and price forecasts – Manages ACIL Allen’s six-monthly reports available for clients on gas price projections in Eastern and Western Australia. These reports also provide analysis on global LNG markets and how this affects domestic market prices.
  • Due diligence and expert advice – Undertaken various due diligence assignments, which has included various major transmission and distribution pipeline infrastructure, as well as LNG export assets. Michael has also provided expert market reports for formal price review processes.
  • Gas market infrastructure and upstream studies – Managed a number of assignments in this space for industry and government clients. Michael has led a number of recent assignments investigating infrastructure that can help minimise the probability of market shortfalls in the short/medium term and over the long term.
  • Gas-fired power generation developments in Papua New Guinea – Provided financial and market advice on the development of gas-fired power generation in Papua New Guinea. This work involved developing financial models to understand the commercial feasibility of building new gas-fired plant in Papua New Guinea to help the country meets its long-term electricity market targets.

Michael earnt a Bachelor of Commerce (Economics and Finance) and an Honours degree in Economics from Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland.