
Computable general equilibrium modelling

Our computable general equilibrium (CGE) model, Tasman Global, can analyse the impact of policy and commercial decisions globally, nationally and regionally.

Tasman Global is designed to account for all sectors within an economy and all economies across the world. The model is able to determine the impacts of various economic changes on production, consumption and trade at the macroeconomic and industry levels.

A dynamic model such as Tasman Global is beneficial when analysing issues where both the timing and the adjustment path that economies follow are relevant in the analysis.

ACIL Allen has applied this model to policy analysis, project evaluation and economic impact analysis across a wide range of sectors.

In addition, ACIL Allen has the capability to undertake analysis with a range of other CGE models, including the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) model of the global economy developed by GTAP at Purdue University, and models of the Australian economy developed by the Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS) at Victoria University, such as the Monash Multi-Regional Forecasting (MMRF) model and The Enormous Regional Model (TERM).