

Our experience in the resources sector covers all aspects of the minerals and energy sector, from iron ore and coal industries to onshore and offshore petroleum. ACIL Allen provides strategic advice to both public and private sectors in appropriate resources tax design, policy advice, economic impact and economic contribution assessments and energy market modelling. This extends to the implications of the resources sector on other aspects of the economy, including community services and local area social impacts.

We have advised across the mining and energy supply chains, from major multinational producers to small exploration and single project entities. Our advice on the implications of developments in the minerals and energy sectors is sought after by both resources sector companies and government alike.

With the resources sector making up such a large component of our economy, we understand the importance of the sector to Australia’s continued economic growth, the associated roles of all levels of government, and the requirements for infrastructure. At a regional level, we understand the role that the sector plays in supporting local communities.

How ACIL Allen can help you

Our resource sector capabilities cover:

  • minerals mining, production and markets
  • offshore and onshore petroleum production and markets.

Our consulting knowledge and expertise has been gained from involvement with the resources sector since the 1980s. Our experience and expertise encompasses:

We have undertaken analysis of petroleum security, import infrastructure and operation of global petroleum markets, and have advised on development of LNG projects, iron ore mining, processing precincts, support industries, infrastructure and the role of pre-competitive geoscience.